The Love France website represents an informal coalition of church, prayer and mission organizations across France, and internationally, who have come together to keep the worldwide Church informed as to what’s happening here during the Olympics – and to inform you as you pray.
There is a brief overview of the key groups of churches and organizations below… but it’s not about us! – It’s about Jesus… and making him known across France during this significant season!
Firstly, to stay informed, please sign up for our occasional emails, and / or like, follow, share our social media channels.
Please Pray! – We have lots of prayer guides and resources coming together on the France 1 Million website that invites us to be part of a worldwide gift of one million prayers for France this Summer!
It takes just One Prayer and One Click!
In partnership with our friends at Impact France, we will be publishing a Love France / F1M Prayer Guide that will keep us all informed and connected during the 50 days from just before the games start to the day after the para-games finish. The 50 Days Prayer Guide will be available online in 33 languages and as a PDF download in 10 languages.
There will be daily prayer pointers, exciting videos and a host of interesting snippets on the France 1 Million and Love France social media channels and websites!
Take Part in the Eric Liddell 100 Celebrations! This ‘Chariots of Fire’ testimony is a real-life story that happened 100 years ago in Paris. It is a great opportunity to inspire and involve your community, church, or ministry group in sharing the Gospel during the games!
Be inspired to encourage, support, or get involved with the huge number of France-based projects taking place under the banner of Ensemble 2024 this Summer!
We’d be pleased to hear from you!
If you have any comments, suggestions, prayers or questions, please Contact Us, and we will get back to you.
Thank you for taking part!
The Love France Team